Bright Physio Parkinson Fun Social


Physiotherapy has been shown to provide a marked improvement in your quality of life with many neurological conditions such as:

·      Parkinson

·      Scleraderma

·      Stroke

·      Movement disorders

·      Ataxia

·      Gait disturbances

Bright Physiotherapy have a special interest in providing you with up to date, current physiotherapy techniques to get the most out of your daily activities.

Social interaction is a key part of the program, helping you develop positive relationships through meeting other like-minded individuals.

Wandiligong Parkinson Bright Physio

Specific exercise classes, supervised by Bright Physiotherapy currently exist. Call now to join these classes and expect to see improvement in:


·      Mobility

·      Flexibility

·      Balance

·      Strength

·      Co-ordination

·      Cognitive health

·      Self-esteem